Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Christmas Cooking & Happy New Year

Happy New Year little blog!

Forgive me for my long absence.

I had an excellent Christmas. I scored a Cuisinart ice cream maker and a fantastic cook book called the Sono Bakery Cookbook.

Eats wise, we were very spoilt. My mother has a tendency to over cater. This year (meaning Christmas 2010) we had duck, turkey, ham and prawns plus salads, roast vegies and desserts. It was a feast!

I had planned on doing some Christmas baking posts, but alas, was short of time. For now, pictures and a few words will have to suffice.

Cheers to a great year!

Christmas Cake

Christmas Cake with almond icing

Every year my family receive a Kirkston Family Christmas Cake from one of my paternal aunts. It is a family recipe. Before my paternal grandmother passed away, she dutifully made each of her 5 children a Kirkston Family Christmas Cake and Kirkston Family Christmas Pudding. The duty has now fallen to my aunt who does a fantastic job. I have been flagged as the next maker of the Kirkston Family Christmas Cake. In preparation for the auspicious role, I made my first Christmas cakes this year. I used a recipe from Rachel Allen (tweaking it only slightly).

I made the cakes in November and left them to develop until I iced them in an almond paste icing the week before Christmas. I made the cake in a large square tin, and then cut the cake into 4 mini cakes to use as gifts.

Inside the Christmas Cake

Mince Tarts

Pear and Ginger fruit mince for mince tarts.

I made this mince in early November and when I opened the jar on the weekend before Christmas, the flavours had developed nicely. I still have a large jar of this leftover and half an opened jar in the fridge (which I like to dip a teaspoon into occasionally). I think I might make some fruit mince scrolls.

Almond Christmas stars to decorate fruit mince tarts

Other Goodies

Vanilla and lavender butter cake for morning teas with friends
(a good emergency freezer cake)

Christmas Spice biscuits - buttery, thin deliciousness

Salted caramels - I love the contrast between the salty and sweet flavours

Packages of biscuits for colleagues and friends

Croissants for a Christmas breakfast get together (yummy, but need more practice!)

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